Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I've been hinting around to J that I need to be spanked. I think he must have gotten it because he gave me a few swats last night before he went to bed, due to my whining & scowling. He also told me that we will have an "appointment" tonight at 6. That usually means I am going to get a spanking. He mentioned that my attitude hasn't been great lately.

I showed J my to do list last night, which is something I haven't done in awhile. He didn't request it, I just asked him if he wanted to see it. He did and he told me to make sure everything on it is done before I come to bed. There was one item on there that he mentioned should have been completed before he got home from work. But then he added that since I had a busy day, he would let that one slide.

I sometimes wish he wouldn't do that. On the one hand I like that he's lenient, because then when I really don't feel like doing something I can pretty much get out of it. But on the other hand I feel like it's not really effective that way. I sometimes think I need J to be strict and not let me get away with anything. But he's so busy with work, that might put too much pressure on him. I'm just going to wait and see how it plays out.

I found a file I had saved on my computer that reflects how I feel things should be, most of the time (I waver back and forth). I don't want to post it because I don't know the source and I don't want to violate anyone's copyright. If I can't find the source in the next few days, I will try to summarize it in my own words.

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