Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sorry to have been away so long...

Last week was crazy for J and I. Both with work and with family. We had no time for anything else.

I stayed relatively motived. Well, I at least got my chores and errands finished each day.

I had no discipline all week. I know J felt bad about it, but I really think it's ok. He did notice I was a bit grumpier than normal, but that was partially due to being so busy, not getting to spend really any time together for multiple days in a row, and having a sinus headache all week.

We started back up yesterday and I think we're on our way to being back on track with discipline. Oh, and J found us a new position for my 3 times weekly spankings. (New to us, not new to the "spanking world"). He laid out a couple of pillows on the bed, and had me lay over them. J sat next to me and was able to wrap his arm around my waist, which gave him better control. It was also a little more restricting for me.

Other times when we've tried to live our lives this way, if we missed a week of discipline, it would be a struggle to start back up. We would normally fall right back into bad habits. But this time it was so easy to just start back up. Which is why I'm not worried about the week we skipped. I don't think J is either. He reads this blog regularly now, so I'm sure we'll talk about it after he sees the blog, if not before.

J seems to have really gotten the hang of being strict when he needs to be without overdoing it, which I think might have been a problem for us before. On the one hand, he doesn't usually let me slide, but at the same time I don't feel he is unreasonable. And he's very in tune to me, so he knows when not to push and when to be very stern.

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