Thursday, June 13, 2013

BDSM practitioners 'healthier and less neurotic' than 'vanilla' peers?

Have you all been wondering where I've been?
For the past 6 months my cousins and I have been alternating taking care of one of our aunts.  I live in a different state, so I stayed with her for a month at a time.  The hardest part for me was being away from J for so long.  I should be able to stay home through the summer before I have to go back.

I've been home for a couple of weeks, and J has been hinting that he wants to get me back on a spanking schedule.  He says I seems stressed out and full of anxiety and he knows it helps me find calm when he takes charge of those things.

I think he's right.

While I was away, I read this article: "Whips, chains and full of life: BDSM practitioners 'healthier and less neurotic' than 'vanilla' peers".  You can read it here -

Do you agree with the article?

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