Sunday, January 8, 2012

Did you think I fell off the face of the earth?

Nope! I'm still here.

My injuries (foot/knee) are all healed! They have been for awhile, but then things got hectic with J's business, and then we were traveling over the holidays, then we had house guests....

We haven't been on our spanking schedule in months. Mostly due to our busy schedule, guests, etc. But also I just haven't been in the right mindset for it. I can tell J is anxious to get back into things, but I think I take longer to decompress and ease our way back into it.

A few times over the past weeks and months, J did spank me, but only for a few minutes at a time and never for any serious infraction. Mostly just play.

He has given me a bedtime again. I had been staying up way too late and then sleeping late and not getting enough done during the day. So I once again have a set time to be in bed. That just started again last week. I hate having to watch the clock, though.

I will try to blog more often, but for now I'll leave you with this picture...

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